The MeatEater Podcast

Ep. 542: Trump, Biden, and Wildlife: How Elections Shape Conservation

Ep. 542: Trump, Biden, and Wildlife: How Elections Shape Conservation

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In this episode

Topics discussed: It's Tax Day; bigger is not better; when two ladies in a small boat beat all the boys; from "Money Lady" to the "Fishing Girls"; the incredible expense of a fishing; you can donate your tax refund to conservation and the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership; a Michigan-pissed hunter; your last chance to attend MeatEater’s Live Tour and BHA x MeatEater Trivia Pint Nights; the wolf that was killed in southern Michigan and how coyote management has changed in the state; the incredible challenge of finding common ground; how elections shape conservation policy; and more.

Outro song "Huntin' Land" by Emmy Lou Howard

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