Steve Rinella and JT Van Zandt Chase Redfish in Texas

Das Boat S01 E01 Aug 15, 2019

Steve Rinella and JT Van Zandt Chase Redfish in Texas

In the first episode, Steve purchases Das Boat out of a backyard in central Texas then takes it to a local fabricator and spends a day trying to make sure it’ll float. He and Texas fishing icon, JT Van Zandt chase redfish down on the coast, taking Das Boat into skinny saltwater it’s definitely never seen before. They end the day in JT’s kitchen cooking up a spread of blackened redfish tacos and sipping a little tequila. Along the way they discuss tribalism, the benefits of artificial lures vs. dead bait, the serviceability of redfish flesh, and the closest thing to a chicken thigh you can find on a fish.

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