MeatEater’s Best Venison Chili Recipes

MeatEater’s Best Venison Chili Recipes

MeatEater founder Steven Rinella once said: “I’d be willing to bet that more pounds of ground venison go into making chili than any other single wild game recipe.” And we’re not willing to bet against him.

Chili is the OG one-pot meal. It doesn’t take too much effort to pull together, it’s nourishing, and it always hits the spot. If you’re making some ahead of time and freezing it for hunting camp, cooking up a big batch for family and friends, or just looking for a quick and easy weeknight meal, chili will, without a doubt, be there for you.

Whether you're on the beans-in or beans-out side of the great chili debate, there’s a recipe here to fit your tastes. Whip up a batch of cornbread, top it off with your favorite fixings, or eat it straight out of a foil packet.

Hunting seasons are winding down, and the weather is getting colder. The time is ripe to enjoy all that hard work turned into ground meat with some of our very favorite venison chili recipes.

Note: Any ground or cubed wild game could work in these recipes. Your only limitation is your own imagination and what’s in your freezer.

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