Waking up to wild game cooked over an open fire is hard to beat. This venison sausage hash makes for a delicious meal while spending time in the great outdoors.
When deciding what to cook while camping, consider a few factors. Choose a recipe that cooks fast. If building a fire from scratch, remember that burning wood down to coals takes time . By then, my stomach is usually growling. Pick recipes that can be prepared in cast iron. Cast iron skillets and pots are perfect for cooking on coals because they distribute heat evenly. Be mindful, however, that cleaning your cast iron outside can be challenging.
To speed up the cooking process and minimize dirty utensils, do as much prep work ahead of time as possible. I always chop and measure out ingredients before the trip. Most stores now carry a variety of vegetables pre-chopped, including cauliflower rice.
I love to change up the typical hash recipe with cauliflower rice. It’s fulfilling, and it cooks much faster than cubed potatoes, which is a big deal when cooking outside. The trick to flavorful cauliflower rice is cooking over high heat. High heat browns the cauliflower and browning adds flavor, as opposed to the lackluster steamed variety you might be familiar with.
A good cast iron skillet is essential to this recipe. Cast iron takes time to heat up, but once it does, it will brown and cook the food quickly. You can eat this breakfast straight from skillet with toast, or serve a spoonful of hash inside of warm tortillas topped with salsa.
We recommend this sausage recipe and this salsa recipe, to round out the hash.
Waking up to wild game cooked over an open fire is hard to beat. This venison sausage hash makes for a delicious meal while spending time in the great outdoors.
When deciding what to cook while camping, consider a few factors. Choose a recipe that cooks fast. If building a fire from scratch, remember that burning wood down to coals takes time . By then, my stomach is usually growling. Pick recipes that can be prepared in cast iron. Cast iron skillets and pots are perfect for cooking on coals because they distribute heat evenly. Be mindful, however, that cleaning your cast iron outside can be challenging.
To speed up the cooking process and minimize dirty utensils, do as much prep work ahead of time as possible. I always chop and measure out ingredients before the trip. Most stores now carry a variety of vegetables pre-chopped, including cauliflower rice.
I love to change up the typical hash recipe with cauliflower rice. It’s fulfilling, and it cooks much faster than cubed potatoes, which is a big deal when cooking outside. The trick to flavorful cauliflower rice is cooking over high heat. High heat browns the cauliflower and browning adds flavor, as opposed to the lackluster steamed variety you might be familiar with.
A good cast iron skillet is essential to this recipe. Cast iron takes time to heat up, but once it does, it will brown and cook the food quickly. You can eat this breakfast straight from skillet with toast, or serve a spoonful of hash inside of warm tortillas topped with salsa.
We recommend this sausage recipe and this salsa recipe, to round out the hash.