MeatEater Season 7: Steve Returns to Prince of Wales Island with Cal and Mark for Sitka Blacktails

On this hunt, Steve returns to his fish shack on Prince Of Wales Island for another shot at Sitka blacktail deer. He’s joined by hunting buddies Ryan Callaghan from First Lite and Mark Boardman from Vortex Optics. Unlike an earlier hunt that took place during late summer, this time the guys will be faced with cold, wet weather and deer that have dropped out of the open alpine country and into the thick confines of the lower elevation rainforest. The conditions for finding deer are a lot harder this time around but there’s still plenty of seafood to enjoy during a break from the hunt. Then it’s time to focus on the difficult task of finding blacktail bucks. Patience and perseverance pay off with a meal of fire-roasted deer ribs.

Gear Used on this Hunt

Rain Gear: First Lite Seak Jacket and Pants

Pack: Stone Glacier Sky 5900

Optics: Vortex Razor HD Rifle Scope

Knife: Benchmade Steep Country


Specialty Gear Used on this Hunt:

Navigation: Garmin GPS Unit with OnX Alaska chip

Barrel Tape: In wet, snowy environments it’s always a good idea to cover the end of your rifle barrel with electric tape


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