Behind the Scenes of MeatEater Season 12

Behind the Scenes of MeatEater Season 12

MeatEater Season 12 is live! You can stream it onto your TV from the MeatEater website with Apple Airplay or Google Chromecast. And for the first time ever, you can now watch the new season on the MeatEater YouTube channel, as well as on Tubi, Pluto, and FreeVee—all for free!

Here’s a look from behind the lens at our most recent season.

BTS 1 Here’s Clay Newcomb telling a great story about catching a baby raccoon with his hands. Clay always has the best stories—and he tells them well.

BTS 2 Garrett Long striking a modeling pose as we try to warm up around a fire during Steve’s Montana elk hunt. Garrett was pretty good at keeping the crew entertained, and that fire worked pretty well to keep us warm. It was 30 below zero that morning.

BTS 3 Kevin Murphy’s dogs found this grinner while beating the brush for cottontail rabbits. Steve just had to get a closer look.

BTS 4 It's always all hands on deck when an animal goes down. Here is the MeatEater crew getting to work on Steve's Idaho mule deer. The whole crew always helps with breaking down and packing out animals. We get a cut of the meat, too.

BTS 5 This is a shot of Chris Gill getting the shot. We have some really talented camera guys that help bring these productions to light. We always have a ton of fun together.

BTS 6 During the Bahamas spearfishing episode, we would go out to the dock in the evenings to get a look at the sharks. There were some big sharks that would move up shallow in the evenings looking for a meal. Really cool and frightening at the same time.

Click here to watch Season 12 now!

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