Every Question from MeatEater Trivia XIII

Every Question from MeatEater Trivia XIII

This is MeatEater Trivia, the only game show where conservation always wins.

If you’re not familiar with the show, it’s a bonus podcast we drop every Wednesday on the MeatEater Podcast feed. This is trivia you’re not going to find in Trivial Pursuit or Jeopardy, because these questions are born out of our four departments: hunting, fishing, conservation, and cooking. I’m the show’s creator and host, Spencer Neuharth.

Episode 343: Game On, Suckers! MeatEater Trivia XIII just published today. It features Steve Rinella, Janis Putelis, Brody Henderson, Sean Weaver, Corinne Schneider, Brandon Butler, Brad Cape, and Phil Yeomans competing for the title of trivia champion. And, like always, the winner gets to choose which conservation organization MeatEater will donate $500 to on their behalf.

Here are the 10 questions from this week’s show. If you want to play along and find out the answers, then make sure you listen to the latest episode of MeatEater Trivia.

  1. Conservation: Which of these is not one of the five tools of wildlife management listed in the 1949 book “A Sand County Almanac”? Ax, cow, water, or gun?
  2. Fishing: This type of rig, which is popular among bass anglers, is a finesse fishing style that involves hooking a soft plastic through the middle of the body. What is it?
  3. Conservation: The extinct dodo bird was only found on one island in what ocean?
  4. Biology: Besides whales, there are only two animals with ivory in North America. What are they?
  5. Public Lands: In 2019, Busch Light did a promotion where they gave a lifetime supply of beer to someone who found their popup bar in Mark Twain National Forest, which is located in what state?
  6. Foraging: Ostrich ferns produce edible fronds that are more commonly known as what?
  7. Nature: This person, who has more than 20 plants and animals named after him, narrated the documentaries Planet Earth and Blue Planet.
  8. Fishing: Catadromous fish spend most of their life in freshwater, but go to saltwater to spawn. There is only one catadromous fish in North America. What is it?
  9. Cooking: Spoon University said Mexico’s most popular sandwich is best described as if a taco and hoagie got married and had a baby. What is it?
  10. Hunting: According to Boone & Crockett, America’s top 10 biggest Canada moose were all killed in two states. Name one of them.

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