Video: Wolf Pup Howls for First Time

We’ve given a lot of coverage lately to how destructive wolves are. From Idaho passing a bill that aims to knock back up to 90% of the state’s pack, to mountain lion populations in Wyoming dropping 48% thanks to unprecedented predation by wolves, to Wisconsin accidentally killing twice their wolf quota in their first season in a decade, you might get the impression that some hunters don’t like wolves.

But damnit, I don’t know anyone who couldn’t love this video of a 4-week-old wolf pup.

With howls, barks, and whimpers that could warm the coldest of hearts, this ball of fur makes me cheer for Voyageurs Wolf Project—the group that captured the rare trail cam video. Their research project, in collaboration with the University of Minnesota, studies how wolves spend their summers. In the Northwoods of Minnesota, little is known about the predation behavior and reproductive ecology during this period of time. They're looking to change that.

We do know this for certain, though—wolf pups are dang cute. If only they stayed that small and adorable forever.

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