Back 40 Episode 3: Steve and Janis Squirrel Hunt the Farm

Back 40 Episode 3: Steve and Janis Squirrel Hunt the Farm

After spending August working my ass off on the Back 40, I’m ready to get the heck off of the property and let it rest. Michigan is one of the most heavily hunted states in the country, which gives our farm the opportunity to be one of the few small properties that doesn’t spook every mature buck into the next county.

As it turns out, Steve and Janis have a different idea. It’s the opening day of squirrel season, and the boys are ready to get after ol’ bushy, even if they have to tromp through my deer sanctuary to do it.

Follow along all season and be sure to subscribe to our Whitetail Weekly newsletter for updates. Click here to watch episodes one, two, and three.

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