The MeatEater Podcast

Ep. 276: An Outdoor Recreation Pissing Match

Ep. 276: An Outdoor Recreation Pissing Match

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In this episode

Topics discussed: testing our interest meter; engorged cloacas and Steve's son interrupting turtle sex; Spencer's first tattoo of South Dakota's state tree; Rachel's collection of fly tattoos; gumbo areas and the Bermuda Triangle of turkey spots; Steve's tip to celebrities: you'll get the right attention if you talk about eating squirrels; the Tower of Power, Steve's sebateous cyst, and trucker butt; camping out at highway medians; Sam's delicious aged deer ham; a lobster fight and the UN; exercising treaty rights and how the Sinixt of Canada are not extinct; developments with the Herrera case; locking you out of 60 million acres of public land; how the U.S. recreation economy is bigger than the automotive and pharmaceutical industries; undermining the false notion of "non-consumptive" use of the land; how Steve dogs on people who have camper trailers, but now has a camper trailer of his own; why water recreationists should kiss anglers' asses; the backpack tax; going from being a person in the outdoors to being a parent in the outdoors; and more.

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