The MeatEater Podcast

Ep. 366: Big Conching by the Lobster Condo

Ep. 366: Big Conching by the Lobster Condo

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In this episode

Topics discussed: Our Fucked Up Old Taxidermy Calendar is here!; the story of Cam saving his friend's life on MeatEater's Campfire Stories: Narrow Escapes & More Close Calls; the MeatEater office fish heist mystery and Steve's desire to hook colleagues up to a polygraph test; recalling scro injuries; putting the "white tailed deer" vs. "whitetails" terminology argument to bed; the life saving award you never want; hook and jook; spearing and fishing regulations in the Bahamas; on eating turtle; how Corinne got so seasick she turned green; how to construct a lobster condo; crazy big hogfish; living in holes; battling a big black grouper; Kimi's upcoming series on The MeatEater Network; the proper way to clean a conch; support the effort to bring solar energy to Chester and 'Flo's Conch Shack'; and more.


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