The MeatEater Podcast

Ep. 463: A 'Pus In Da Pot

Ep. 463: A 'Pus In Da Pot

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In this episode

Steve Rinella talks with Katie Finch and their son, “Jimbabwe,” Andy “Pooter” Radziallowski, Kelsey Morris, and Seth Morris.

Topics include: Tickles, touches, and takes; the owners of the rotten A-frame; Kelsey’s Studio Gallery in Three Folks, MT; the Leviathan and different interpretations; Act 54 passed in Maui, allowing nonprofits to donate wild game meat to “under-resourced” communities; full freegan vegans; all the people getting bitten by sharks this year; a correction on sublimation, the process of ice turning to gas; the Streisand Effect; tapping bullheads; cats for cash programs; how an octopus makes its way into a shrimp pot; “get me the gaff!”; harvesting arms; inverting the mantle; the tale of two octopuses; meals from the cove; cutting scallop coins; and more.

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