Steven Rinella talks with Paul Neess, Jason Phelps, Matt Cook, Janis Putelis, and Seth Morris.
Topics discussed: The “whitetail industrial complex" and Jani cutting down trees to create a little wildlife nest; Dirt’s grandfather’s chapstick of choice: his very own earwax; Bible verses that reference hunting and trapping; playing it safe with God and the Old Testament; the correlation between reported Bigfoot sightings and bear populations; BLM land opened up to solar energy development; Steve’s plan to use imminent domain to seize urban areas and sports stadiums for solar development instead of on undeveloped landscapes; controversy around how the king salmon of the Gulf of Alaska are headed for an ESA listing; how orcas pull on America’s heart strings; upset around listing sturgeon; the “buck a day” mantra in Sonora, Mexico; DIY steps for how to make a turkey foot giving the middle finger; and more.
Outro song: "Flash in the Pan" by Lane Farrar