Steven Rinella talks with Doug Duren, Karl Malcolm, Janis Putelis, Brody Henderson, and Randall Williams.
Topics discussed: The Aldo Leopold Foundation; a diamond anniversary; how “A Sand County Almanac” remains powerfully relevant today; celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Gila Wilderness; Aldo Leopold quotes; the object and its shadow; get a chance to be part of our MeatEater Podcast recording by joining ME Experiences in Cypress Cove; our Trivia board game is back in stock; when the kid has a bully body; It’s-Better-When-You-Don’t-Get-One-Jani; bird watching with opera glasses; Aldo Leopold: His Life and Work; how you can’t put Aldo Leopold in a box; killing the things we love; Doug’s non-profit organization, Sharing the Land; pulling that saw; and more.
Outro song "Shoot Straight" by Jared Hicks
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