Clay Newcomb Hunts S02 E03 Mar 12, 2024

Missouri Gobblers with Brent Reaves

Clay Newcomb joins Brent Reaves to hunt Missouri farm country for turkeys. In the waning light of the first morning, Brent locates a roosted Tom and they get set for what should be a slam dunk. Their setup turns out too good to be true and the lucky bird flies off unscathed. After a heartbreaking morning and with afternoon hunting restrictions on the horizon, Clay and Brent spend the rest of the day reeling in a pile of blue catfish. The next morning, Clay and Brent change tactics and decide to split up. Clay gets close, but is cut off by a flock of Jakes and Brent’s luck changes with a perfect decoy setup and a tagged long beard. Revenge is a dish best served fried. Presented by Weatherby

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