MeatEater S12 E01 Oct 12, 2023
Alaska Black Bear
Steve takes Randall Williams and Clay Newcomb to his fish shack to hunt for black bears.
You can now stream MeatEater Season 12 on, the MeatEater YouTube channel, Tubi, & Pluto TV.
Gear From This Episode
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Rob Allen
Nitrile Gloves
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Work Sharp
MeatEater Work Sharp Guided Field Sharpener
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Rob Allen
Marseilles Rubber Belt
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Rob Allen
Scorpia EVO Fin
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Rob Allen
Snapper EVO Mask

Wild Game Mincemeat Pie With Bear Lard Crust
My grandparents lived about four hours away when I was a kid, so they were never able to attend Grandparents’ Day at our elementary school. Thankfully, my parents were friends with an older couple named Vivian and Barney Kokuma, who faithfully dropped by to play the role.
What I remember most about...
Steven Rinella
Dec 18, 2018
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The MeatEater Podcast
Ep. 448: Munching Off the Mussel Tree
Steve Rinella talks with Clay Newcomb, Randall Williams, Dirt Myth, Seth Morris, and Chester Floyd.
Topics include: The infinity house with a missing porch; get your book signed by Steve at MeatEater's Catch a Crayfish, Count the Stars Book Tour event; when you get in trouble for handling a baby...
Steven Rinella
Jun 12, 2023
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The Best Calibers for Bear Hunting
It wasn’t so long ago that black bears were considered America’s premier wild table fare. Bear steaks are delicious, bear grease is useful (and delicious), and bear hunting is challenging and rewarding.
For new and aspiring hunters, however, bears can seem invincible. Even though they’re generally...
Jordan Sillars
Sep 6, 2024
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