MeatEater Season 7: Steve and Remi Navigate Afognak Brown Bears and Fog for Elk

On this hunt, Steve and Remi Warren travel to Alaska’s Afognak Island for a chance to hunt the largest Roosevelt elk in the world. It’s a hunt so challenging Remi swore he’d never return after his first trip to Afognak, but he’s back to help Steve find a bull. Here, they’re met with giant brown bears, relentless rain and fog, and steep, brush-choked mountains. After securing a meal of fresh silver salmon, the two hunters embrace the challenge and eventually manage to locate some elk. To celebrate the hunt, Steve cooks up a unique feast using the caul fat and organs from a hard-won bull.

Gear Used on the Hunt:

Shelter: Nemo Tent

Rain Gear: First Lite Seak Jacket and Pants

Optics: Vortex Razor 10×42 Binoculars

Pack: Stone Glacier Sky 5900

Rifle: Savage 116 .300 Winchester Magnum


Specialty Gear Used on this Hunt:

Pack Cover: Stone Glacier Rain Cover

Bear Protection: Electric Bear Fencing, Bear Spray 

Podcasts:  Listen in on the MeatEater crew’s brown bear attack adventure in The Meat Tree Part 1 and The Meat Tree Part 2

History of Elk Introduction on Afognak Island:

To learn more about history of Roosevelt elk on Afognak Island check out this article from Alaska Fish and Game.

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