A New Experience for Serious Whitetail Hunters

A New Experience for Serious Whitetail Hunters

I started Wired to Hunt 13 years ago, smack dab in the middle of the sweltering hot summer of 2008. I was living in a cinder block New York City dorm room during a college internship, slowly dying inside as I struggled to adapt to the over-abundance of noise and people, and the non-existence of deer and wild places. Starting a deer hunting website, I figured, might help me scratch the itch while stuck in the rat race.

Over the next decade plus, I poured my heart into building Wired To Hunt into a website, YouTube channel, podcast, and all-around resource that would hopefully make a positive difference for whitetail hunters. It was a blast, but most of that time was spent holed up alone in an office or bedroom on my own, a one-man operation working nights, weekends, and day-job lunch breaks, just barely getting by. With those humble beginnings in mind, it nearly brings a tear to the eye now to see my 13-year-old "baby" taking a big, new step forward.

Today we are re-launching Wired To Hunt and expanding it into an all-encompassing destination for the modern whitetail deer hunter. We're launching a new Wired To Hunt web experience with in-depth articles written by a fully staffed team of whitetail experts. We're launching a new Wired To Hunt weekly podcast series hosted by Tony Peterson and aimed at helping you become a better deer hunter. Finally, we're re-booting the Wired to Hunt YouTube Channel with a new, weekly, how-to deer hunting video series.

I'm beyond thrilled to see this next iteration of the Wired To Hunt brand come to life. I'm also absolutely positive that if you love whitetail hunting, you're going to love what we have in store. Thank you, from the deepest bottom of my heart, for coming along for this ride and for always staying wired to hunt.

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