Help MeatEater and onX Support Hurricane Relief with the Red Cross!

Help MeatEater and onX Support Hurricane Relief with the Red Cross!

Recently, hurricanes Helene and Milton ripped across the Southeast, leaving behind a muddy wake of destruction in their paths. Communities affected by the hurricanes have been tragically impacted, and while initial relief efforts have addressed the most pressing immediate needs, there is still a great deal of work to be done.

That’s why MeatEater and onX Hunt have donated an initial $20,000 to the Red Cross. These funds will fuel ongoing support, including sheltering, feeding, and supporting impacted individuals through the recovery process. But we need your help to grow these funds even more.

The regions impacted by these hurricanes are rich in natural resources and traditions with deep ties to the outdoors. MeatEater’s own Clay Newcomb and Brent Reaves are especially tuned into the consequences of hurricanes this area is currently experiencing.

“Appalachia is one of my favorite regions,” Clay said. “The people I know from there are salt of the earth, humble, typically hospitable to a fault, and not ones to ask for help. I’m so glad MeatEater and onX were able to put this together. Please give what you can to help.”

hurricane relief

“I’m so proud that we at MeatEater have teamed up with our friends at onX to help those who need it most. I saw the effects in Louisiana after Katrina, and I know the process is long and arduous. The struggle doesn’t leave with the passing of the storm,” Brent said.

Brent stressed the fact that even small donations make a big difference in a situation like this: “We have an opportunity to stand together and lend a hand to other Americans affected by the recent hurricanes. Even a little helps, because a whole lot of littles can make a big.”

“Please consider donating whatever you can,” Brent said. “It really does make a difference.”

So, let’s rally the hunting community to support our heavily impacted fellow Americans! Click here to donate now.

Images of Hurricane Helene's impacts via Adobe Stock.

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