Buy Lures Handmade by the MeatEater Crew; Support Bahamas Hurricane Relief

Buy Lures Handmade by the MeatEater Crew; Support Bahamas Hurricane Relief

A writer I dig, John Gierach, once wrote, “There are only two types of anglers: those in your party and the assholes.” While I’ve cursed plenty of people on the water, I also have full confidence that, were I in need of help, a fellow fisherman would put himself in harm’s way to do so. I’ve seen it happen.

Despite our petty rifts, hunters and anglers comprise a community, and when shit gets tough, we back our own.

Well, in the Bahamas, shit just got worse than tough. In the aftermath of what some have described as the most destructive weather event in history, the northern islands of the Bahamas lay bare and devastated. The extent of loss won’t be known for some time, but we do know that the need for help in the process of rebuilding is, and will continue to be, great.

The islands of Abaco and Grand Bahama, two of the hardest hit, are fishing communities. The Bahamians there live, and sadly sometimes die, by the sea. Over the past few days, anglers from all over the world have banded together, tripping over their own feet, in their haste to help.

One of the initiatives that’s coalesced to harness all the energy of the fishing community is Dozen for Dorian. Hatched from the brain of Hunt To Eat ambassador, Backcountry Hunters and Anglers volunteer, and Wild Steelhead Coalition board member, Josh Mills, Dozen for Dorian offers us all an opportunity to help the Bahamian fishing community. Josh has never been to the Bahamas, but when he saw people in need, he took action in the best way he knew how: He sat down at his fly tying vice, made a dozen steelhead flies, and auctioned them off through his Instagram account. The idea caught on.

So, we’re joining in too. On Friday, the whole MeatEater fishing gang got together and tied up a dozen lures. Some are flies, some are jigs, some are dressed casting spoons, all will catch fish in the proper hands. This selection of handmade lures includes some of Steve’s own perch jigs, Brody Henderson’s famous Muskibou, tied with fur from the Muskox Steve killed on the MeatEater television show, Janis Putelis’ favorite clouser minnow, and a few creations by Sam Lungren and myself. Now we’re offering them to you.

Go to the MeatEater Instagram account and bid on this lure selection. Bid high. Bid often. Again, every one of them was handmade here in the MeatEater office by your favorite MeatEater contributors and personalities, and every dime will go to the Yellow Dog Community and Conservation Foundation. Oh, and we’ll also match whatever the highest bidder puts up, dollar for dollar.

Why the YDCCF? Because they are an organization that we trust, set up by anglers to help anglers. We know that money will go directly to the local guides and fishermen in the Bahamas. It won’t be used for administrative costs, or to rebuild expensive lodges. Even if you don’t get the lure selection, or even bid on it, we all hope that you’ll donate a few dollars directly to the YDCCF to help out.

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