Texas Man Cited for Setting Up a ‘Crappy’ Stand on Private Land

Texas Man Cited for Setting Up a ‘Crappy’ Stand on Private Land

A man in Henderson County, Texas had the bright idea to turn an old port-a-potty into a hunting blind. Unfortunately, this is where the smart thinking ended, because he decided to set up the shitter stand on private land that he did not have permission to hunt.

According to Texas Parks and Wildlife, the honeypot wasn’t the only thing attracting deer to this spot. Not only did the suspect bring a pooper on private property, but he also had a feeder set up nearby. To be clear, it’s legal to feed deer in Texas, just not on someone else's property without their permission.

Henderson County Game Wardens began investigating the suspect last deer season after finding the converted commode. They weren’t able to catch the suspect last year, so this past season they set up a trail camera on the property line in hopes that the crappy hunter would return to their plastic throne.

Sure as shit, on opening morning of deer season, November 2, the trail cam captured an image of the suspect walking to their thunder box blind.

Now, hunting without landowner permission doesn’t just make you a turd, it’s also against the law. Wardens confronted the hunter and he confessed to hunting without permission. Charges were filed, and the man removed the blind and feeder from the property.

While we can’t commend trespassing, we’ve got to give this guy some props for building such an ingenuitive blind. It’s like this guy had a F’d Up Old Deer Stand Calendar sitting next to his F’d Up Old Shitter Calendar and said, “hold my beer!” But apparently, converting port-a-potties into deer stands is about as hip as turning cargo vans into living quarters. It’s making us wonder, how good of a stand would an old John really make?

First things first, doctors don’t recommend sitting on a toilet for longer than 10 minutes or you’re more likely to get health issues like hemorrhoids. So an all-day sit in the privy stand would certainly not be doctor-approved.

Second, do you think he replaced the urinal scent screen with some Ozonics? Or maybe the natural urine-scent of the blind was enough to tempt some mature bucks to come into range.

One last thing, don’t you think someone might just notice a stray port-a-potty on their land? If you decide to DIY your own potty blind, make sure you reach out and get permission from a landowner with a good sense of humor first.

Feature image via Texas Parks & Wildlife.

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