Texas game wardens announced yesterday that 22 suspects have been charged with 1,200 violations related to illegal whitetail smuggling and black-market wildlife trade.
The smuggling operation encompassed three deer breeding facilities, ten release sites, one deer management pen, and three illegal, unregistered facilities. The smugglers and illegal breeders are accused of poaching wild deer to replace their own, falsifying mandatory CWD tests, and transporting potentially contagious deer across the state without the proper paperwork.
"These individuals and ranches operated with impunity, repeatedly violating established laws designed to protect Texas’ natural resources and safeguard the state’s wildlife against disease transmission," said Col. Ronald VanderRoest, Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPWD) law enforcement director. "Systematic abuse of the regulatory framework governing the deer breeding industry will not be tolerated as we focus on our mission of conservation law enforcement."
The deer breeding industry in Texas generates revenue by breeding pen-raised deer for desirable traits like large antlers and then releasing those deer onto hunting ranches. Sometimes, those ranches are on the same property as the breeding facility, but oftentimes, deer are shipped back and forth across the state.
Breeders are tightly regulated to avoid moving deer that might spread CWD to other parts of the state. This illegal operation was apparently designed to flout those regulations.
“Without close monitoring, illegal movement of captive deer increases the risk of introducing CWD to areas it is not known to exist, potentially leading to widespread outbreaks which will impact more than just the health of Texas deer,” reads the TPWD press release.
Texas Parks and Wildlife did not release the names of the suspects or the location of the breeding facilities, citing the “ongoing nature of the case” in an email to MeatEater. But a press release published by the agency suggests a massive operation aimed at selling and moving potentially CWD-positive deer across the state.
The case began when a Montgomery County game warden conducted a traffic stop and discovered illegally possessed deer being transported without required documentation or identification.
That case resulted in the conviction of a South Texas deer breeder and his business partner who were trying to smuggle seven deer from a licensed deer breeding facility in East Texas to Brazoria and Duval counties. There, they intended to illegally release the deer into the wild on private property.
That initial bust opened a window into a larger deer smuggling network. The investigation uncovered approximately 500 Class C charges, 700 Class B charges, 22 Class A charges, and multiple state jail felony charges.
Class A, B, and C charges are misdemeanors. Class A charges are the most severe and carry a maximum penalty of one year in a county jail and a $4,000 fine. State jail charges are felonies and carry a maximum penalty of two years in a state jail and fines of up to $10,000.
Officials have not released the details of this smuggling operation, but the charges offer clues about what kinds of actions the group engaged in.
Some of the Class C charges, for example, involve transporting deer without valid antemortem CWD tests. Other charges stem from failing to report dead deer within the required seven-day time period and illegally selling and purchasing wild white-tailed deer.
One description of a Class C charge suggests that some of the suspects hunted wild, free-ranging deer out of season and submitted tissue samples from those deer in place of captive deer. In other words, they’ve been accused of stealing deer from the public and using those animals to avoid being held accountable for the CWD in their pen-raised facility.
Some of the Class B charges stem from replacing dead captive deer with live wild deer within the breeding facility and releasing those wild deer for hunting. They’re also accused of trapping previously released wild deer and reselling them.
The state jail felony charges aren’t related to wildlife crimes, per se. Instead, these are for falsifying documents related to tissue samples, tag swapping between breeder deer, and swapping tags between breeder deer and replacement deer captured in the wild. “Tag” in this case, refers not to hunting tags but to the ear tags breeders are required to affix to a captive deer’s ear.
“These violations don’t just break the law—they undermine the very foundation of responsible wildlife management in Texas,” VanderRoest said. “An operation of this size and scope did not develop overnight and the widespread violations may have continued unchecked, posing an even greater threat to Texas’ deer populations and the integrity of the deer breeding industry, if not for their hard work.”
Feature image via TPWD.