10 of the Biggest Morel Mushrooms Ever Found

Records & Rarities
10 of the Biggest Morel Mushrooms Ever Found

When I go mushroom hunting, I’m satisfied if I find enough just to fill a sauté pan. Usually that means cleaning a dozen morels to make a meal, but these foragers could feed a family with just a single harvest. Here are some of the biggest morels ever picked.

giant morel mushroom
Jasi Butler. West Virginia. 2020.
This morel was found with 38 others under a dying elm. It was 11 inches tall (after being cut), 15 inches around, and .9 pounds.


big morel mushroom
Chris Ranger. Ohio. 2020.


giant morel mushroom
Amanda Sieren. Iowa. 2003.


giant morel mushroom
Scott Simpson. Missouri. 2020.
It was 11 inches tall and 14 ounces.


giant morel mushroom
Kelly Young. Iowa. 2016.
The Iowa DNR said in a Facebook post that this morel is the biggest they’ve ever seen. It was 15 inches tall, 14 inches in circumference, and 1.5 pounds.


giant morel mushroom
Charlie Ware. Missouri. 2016.
It was 12 inches tall and 13 inches in circumference.


giant morel mushroom
Jayden Graber. Indiana. 2017.


giant morel mushroom
Chris Matherly. Georgia. 2010.
It was 13 inches tall. Chris filmed the mushroom hunt and found plenty more that day.


big morel mushroom
Stephanie Anderson. Ohio. 2020.


Randy Swiggum. Wisconsin. 2017.
Chocolate ice cream to celebrate was in order.

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